Effective Planning and Scheduling


This course will teach you how to use a variety of planning and scheduling tools, including the work breakdown structure, network diagrams, program evaluation and review technique (PERT), and Gantt charts. You will also learn how to properly estimate time, schedule resources, identify task dependencies, manage risks, communicate your schedule, and keep the schedule updated.


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Creating an accurate schedule is more of an art than a science. However, there are some tools and techniques that you can use to be as precise as possible. This course will introduce you to the most commonly used tools and show you how to apply them to everyday scenarios. We recommend that you complete Intermediate Project Management before beginning this course.

After you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Define and create a Work Breakdown Structure.
  • Identify and understand task relationships.
  • Estimate task durations and determine project duration.
  • Construct a network diagram.
  • Calculate the critical path of a project.
  • Use the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) to create estimates.
  • Plan for risks.
  • Create a communication plan.
  • Effectively allocate project resources.
  • Update and monitor the project schedule.


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